Jellastone Pet Park





Contact and calender



Where to find Jellastone Pet Park?

Jellastone Pet Park is located in the quiet area of Lagoen.

If you drive to Lagoen you see the Jellastone Pet Park sign on the left side from the road.

Turn left.

Take the dirt road and follow the road till the T-crossing where you take a right turn.

From Lagoen road to right turn it is 900 yards.

From the right turn to the gate from Jellastone Pet Park (on the left side) it is 150 yards.

There is also a different route which can be used in the rainseason. Last years the normal route was sometimes flooded near to the JPP board.
If it is flooded drive further east to the landfill. About 60 meters (180 ft) after the landfill enterance you can make a left turn. On this dirt road you drive straight for 1 km till you see Jellastone Pet Park on your right hand. You recognize it when you see an internet antenna on a two stories high home.

Map via

From left lower corner the dirt road leads to the t-crossing and right in upper corner is Jellastone Pet Park located.
To get a better view from the area and the road that leads to Jellastone Pet Park klick on the - to zoom out or slide over the map by using the mouse.

Large map in new window.